Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I just saw a roach running around in the bathroom. Oh my god that was shocking and disgusting. If that thing gets in my room, I will cut a bitch, to use the old familiar phrase.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Holy crap, whoa

"Uncommon Women" Week is running away with itself.

So far we have five professors signed up to give panels. We are sort of talking with the higher-ups of the Women's Project, a theatre company. Anne Cattaneo, the dramaturg for Lincoln Center and the original dramaturg for "Uncommon Women and Others" is coming to speak with us.

I just got two e-mails, one from Katie Carter saying that one of the chief editors of BITCH magazine wants to speak, and one from Mary Fleischer saying that Alexis Greene, a theatre critic, is also interested in coming.

Holy crap.

I also am presenting my Camille stuff at Honor's Day and just got a refund check for $11.25 all of which is going to laundry. Man, my life.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


It's too bad that the acronym for "Stuff I Saw Today" sounds and looks so much like the word "cyst." Oh well.

Only two today, but I think they're pretty good:

1. Two girls and a dog in a red pick-up truck stopped at a light on 3rd avenue rocking out to Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now"

2. A lump of coal on 42nd Street