Friday, April 10, 2009

Bawdy Songs in Sing-Along

The best thing about being an actor is definitely the job interviews. True, sometimes they can also be the worst, but on Tuesday, that was not the case.

After telling us about how much he loves Shakespeare, Improv and Clowning (hello, soulmate?) the very British director asked us if we would prefer to sing something traditional or bawdy. We all said bawdy. And this is what we sang for a solid fifteen minutes:

Take a slab of butter, made in May
Slap it to your arse on a summer's day
And ever as it melts, lick it clean away
'Tis a med'cine for the toothache, old wives say

Then we proceeded for the remaining twenty minutes to walk around the room as though holding a very full bowl of precious liquid.

Man this is an awesome job. If only I was getting paid for it...

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