Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Google me...'s worth it:

"Just then there was another rustle on the stair and another step, - this time a lighter one, - and the next moment appeared what was to the young man a vision.

Keith's face, as he rose to greet her, showed what he thought. For a moment, at least, the dragon had disappeared, and he stood in the presence only of Alice Yorke.

The girl was, indeed, as she paused for a moment just in the wide doorway under its silken hangings, - the minx! how was he to know that she knew how effective the position was? - a picture to fill a young man's eye and flood his face with light, and even to make an old man's eye grow young again. The time that had passed had added to the charm of both face and figure; and, arrayed in her daintiest toilet of blue and white, Alice Yorke was radiant enough to have smitten a much harder heart than that which was at the moment thumping in Keith's breast and looking forth from his eager eyes. The pause in the doorway gave just time for the picture to be impressed forever in Keith's mind.

Her eyes were sparkling, and her lips parted with a smile of pleased surprise.

"How do you do?" She came forward with outstretched arm and a cordial greeting.

Mrs. Yorke could not repress a mother's pride at seeing the impression that her daughter's appearance had made."


Katie said...

I think I speak for everyone on the internet when I say, WTF.

Alice said...

It's a book called "Gordon Keith" by Thomas Nelson Page.

I also learned that the open letter to me on Fuze comes up when you Google my name.