Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Purchases I Made Today in Desperation

--Bottle of orange juice and Sarah Lee corn muffin
--Luna bar and banana
--Study Abroad: Paris; Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Paris; 25 Ultimate Experiences: France; Man Walks into a Room by Nicole Krauss
--The French Chef Cookbook by Julia Child; a set of three Moleskine journals, unlined
--Mustard colored dress from Forever 21


Katie said...

I'm curious about what kind of desperation led you to make these particular purchases.

P.S. This comment is many days late.

Alice said...

Let's see...the first two were to keep a hangover at bay before babysitting (success!), the second two were because suddenly I freaked out that I'm going to Paris in a week and don't know anything about the place, and the last one was because Kevyn and I were going to a play the next day and I didn't have anything to wear.
Later that night I bought a bottle of wine, but that wasn't in desperation.
Also, later today I might buy a pair of shortalls, not in desperation but in awesomeness!

Alice said...

PS. That's okay, better late than never.