Wednesday, July 18, 2007

T-Minus Two Days, Twelve Hours

I'm really excited for Harry Potter Seven to come out. But also, I'm really not. Then I hear about things like Harry Potter Place, NYC and I'm excited again ( Then I hear about spoilers on the Internet and I get unexcited again. In fact, I'm completely paranoid. Last night one of Kevyn's friends called him at 12.30 am to warn him not to use Facebook or the Internet at all and not to watch the news because people are putting up lists of spoilers that are way more detailed than "Snape kills Dumbledore".

(Man, wouldn't it have been awesome if UPS had figured out a way to get owls to deliver people's books to them??????)

If someone in Barnes and Noble on Friday/Saturday ruins this book for me, I will kill. Or maybe I'll just do a Julia and shout "YOU WILL BURN" at the offending party. I am hoping that the Barnes and Noble in Union Square will be a place of owls and Jim Dale and a place of love and respect for Harry Potter ; the former are guaranteed, but I'm worried about the latter.

I will share with you all the sentence I read in King Dork immediately following the end of Kevyn's phone call last night that seems eerily befitting to the situation:

"At moments like these, it's hard to tell whether you're being too paranoid or just paranoid enough."

I need to go. I've spent too much time on the Internet today.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Paris, Quatre--Le Dernier

Since my last post, I've...

-Lost my memory, apparently, since I can't remember anything we did last week
-Rehearsed a lot
-Freaked out because I thought that if I wanted to change my flight I would have to buy a ticket for $3300
-Spoken to Pascal at Continental who assured me that that wouldn't happen
-Changed my flight to tomorrow at 1.40 pm
-Rehearsed some more
-Worried that our show would get rained out
-Been checked out by the creepy coke addict sound guy, Bruno
-Been in a totally awesome (if not entirely what we rehearsed so much) show about trains
-Become best friends with 9-year old Enzo by playing car racing games on his PSP
-Gotten really drunk on champagne with some really awesome people
-Gotten a huge scrape on my elbow by falling down steep stairs whilst being really drunk
-Said goodbye to all of my new friends
-Attempted to take Real World-style photos of each of them departing
-Been disappointed by my guidebooks
-Seen the Arc de Triomphe (more like Arc de Let Down)
-Walked the Champs-Elysee
-Seen a pigeon nibbling at dog poop
-Gotten a kiss from one Pascal Laurent (who also told me that I was lovely)
-Packed to come home

(Claire, did I forget anything?)

I'm about to go see the Eiffel Tower all lit up, I figured that was a fitting thing to do my last night here since I can't find any midnight shows of Harry Potter. I am assuming, Katie, that you'll be seeing it again almost the instant I get back (which is around 4.30 tomorrow afternoon).

I can't wait to be home!

Au revoir, Paris!

(Pictures to follow on Facebook)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Paris, Trois

Since my last post I've...

--Almost seen Gregorian chanting with Lizz
--Seen Lizz!! (Her hair was braided and she wore African dresses every day!)
--Smelled 300-year old pee at Versailles
--Gotten rope burns from learning to the trapeze
--Chatted with circus performers
--Walked on meter-high stilts
--Had maybe the best meal of my life at Super Nature
--Had the best macaroons in Paris at Laduree
--Visited the Catacombs, Pere Lachaise Cemetary and the Garden of Childhood Fears all in one day
--Celebrated the birthday of the only male in our group by ordering a Jack and Coke to his Cosmo
--Been one of the "very rare cases" to burn myself on Ace laundry detergent
--Celebrated the Fourth of July by waiting an hour and a half for overpriced, mediocre American food at the Hard Rock Cafe

See you all soonish!