Thursday, July 5, 2007

Paris, Trois

Since my last post I've...

--Almost seen Gregorian chanting with Lizz
--Seen Lizz!! (Her hair was braided and she wore African dresses every day!)
--Smelled 300-year old pee at Versailles
--Gotten rope burns from learning to the trapeze
--Chatted with circus performers
--Walked on meter-high stilts
--Had maybe the best meal of my life at Super Nature
--Had the best macaroons in Paris at Laduree
--Visited the Catacombs, Pere Lachaise Cemetary and the Garden of Childhood Fears all in one day
--Celebrated the birthday of the only male in our group by ordering a Jack and Coke to his Cosmo
--Been one of the "very rare cases" to burn myself on Ace laundry detergent
--Celebrated the Fourth of July by waiting an hour and a half for overpriced, mediocre American food at the Hard Rock Cafe

See you all soonish!


Katie said...

I just approve of all of this, especially the boy drinks.

Katie said...

I got your postcard! I believed you when you said you were performing in the theater on the front, and then believed you when you said you were lying. I was disturbed by "Gros bises"

Alice said...

I knew you would be disturbed by that which is exactly why I put it.