Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today I wasn't scheduled at either of my jobs, but I thought I would pick up a shift at Vicki's because I'm dropping one on Friday for a dentist appointment. Having woken up in a bit of a funk, the prospect of choosing to go there for 6 hours was not a fun one. However, neither was sitting on the couch by myself all day listening to Christmas music. As I was donning my mood-lifting all black attire, I got a text message from the manager of Bare Escentuals who was sending out the "distress call": one employee called out sick and she was in the ER because the safe dropped on her foot. In a store with a grand total of 20 employees, two people calling out in one day is huge. So I responded and am now going to BE for the rest of the day. As I walked around getting ready, I realized that--as opposed to ten minutes prior when I was dragging my feet from one room to another--I was literally dancing my way around the apartment.

Do I prefer one job over the other? Good question. Sometimes I can't tell because I work 30 hours a week at the bad one and only 8 at the good one. Something is wrong with that picture.


Katie said...

Clearly the answer can be found in your derisive nickname of "Vicki's" as opposed to your lack of nickname whatsoever for Bare Escentuals. I think you should call that one "Esenshie's."

Katherine Carter said...

Would it make you feel better if I came to "Vicki's" and made you help me find a bra so we can have some us time in the dressing room? I dont know if it will or if it would make your day more akward, figured I would offer.