Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Love Song to Laps Trinity

Guys, I know I claimed to be swearing off horoscopes, but remember how I stood up for those featured in L Magazine? Check this out:

"To hell with that, I actually think French can sound pretty good in a rock and roll song. The key, though, is that it be sung by a pouty redhead with a strong Parisian accent. The redhead in question may be either male or female, but must be thin and pretty and possessed of a febrile sexuality always on the edge of burning out. We don't talk enough, Gemini, about what we want from life."

So you guys wanna start a band?


cjb said...

Always, always.

cjb said...

Also, why would you swear off horoscopes??

Katie said...

I don't remember you claiming that, and I obviously think you should take it back.

Anonymous said...

What can I play in the band?!