Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vote! (For my mom!)

Don't Stop Voting Now!

My mom posted a slogan on this website. Vote for it! It's something a professor she and my dad had in college used to say. My dad really took it to heart.


There are some weird slogans on this website. Some people seem to do nothing but think of weird sayings, and then post variations on them. User RAMZKIE, for example, muses about swallowing pride ("I Can Swallow My Pride, But Not Yours?"), promises ("Promises Are Meant To Be Swallowed, And Spit It Out.") , and religion ("Catholic Is A Religion Of Fake, Not Of Faith."). This is the link to all his slogans: Ramzkie Just go see for yourselves. Caution: There are a LOT.

1 comment:

Katie said...


Also, your mom's slogan is far better than "T-shirts rule!"